Hi hello my name is


I'm some fella from Ukraine, I like potatoes and uh... and I make videogames, you can find all of them here: itch.io page

Here's some of the games I finished, kinda:

I hate circles



I hate circles is a game about an octagon that REALLY hates circles. The game has 10 levels, each level is in some way unique.

This was my first actual attempt at making a game

Also fun fact the game files folder is named test, because this was meant to be a test of the godot engine

Game Link

Wild Doom



You are Colt, a strong cowboy that lost a duel and died.

You were not a great person so you went to Hell for your torment. But suddenly the devil had an offer for you...

an offer that could bring you back alive.

Game Link




anyways i'm tired